Investment Opportunity

Thank you for your interest in investing in BERT

Let us introduce you to our brand:

About BERT: BERT is not just another outdoor sports shoe brand. Our shoes are designed specifically for active people to wear before and after their activities, whether it's running, cycling, wakeboarding, or white water rafting. BERT shoes are the first pre/post-activity footwear tailored for active life enthusiasts.

Why BERT? Traditional sports footwear is specialized and often inconvenient for other uses. Cyclists don't want to ruin their cleats on pavement, climbers prefer not to wear their climbing shoes from home to the mountain, and windsurfers avoid wearing boots on their way to the beach. As sports gear becomes more specialized, it becomes less versatile.

At BERT, we understand the excitement of gear enthusiasts. Our shoes enhance the experience for passionate sportspeople and complement rather than compete with specialized sports footwear.

Smart Packing: Active individuals prioritize saving space and weight. BERT shoes are designed to fit into tight spaces, keeping you light and mobile.

Our Journey: Since launching in October 2023, we've sold mora than 200 pairs worldwide, primarily in the US and Colombia. Our goal is to become a staple in the backpack of every active person.

After careful consideration, we've decided it's time to seek additional investment to help us manage our rapid growth. It's a daunting yet exciting time as we prepare for the next steps. If you're interested in learning more or know someone who might be, please click below to receive more information.

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Our shoe soles, crafted from recycled rubber, represent a harmonious blend of sustainability and social responsibility.



The natural rubber we use is sourced from ASOHECA, a community comprising 1,200 families dedicated to rubber production for the footwear and transportation industries. These families once involved in activities like working on cocaine farms or being associated with the Guerrilla, have been provided with a fresh start. The organization has not only offered them a chance at a new way of life but has also played a crucial role in their rehabilitation, allowing them to rebuild their lives.


Project spay&neuter

Lastly, our dedication to making a difference extends to our furry friends. We cherish animals deeply and are actively involved in reducing the population of stray dogs and cats in our country. A portion of our profits goes towards supporting sterilization programs in underserved communities throughout Colombia.


Changing lifes

Since our establishment in 2020, we're thrilled to report that we've successfully sterilized 100 animals. This commitment not only demonstrates our love for animals but also reflects our genuine desire to create positive change in the communities we serve. With every step we take, we're working towards a future where compassion and responsibility go hand in hand.